BRI allocates IDR 8 trillion for capital expenditure to strengthen digitalization

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) has allocated a capital expenditure of IDR 7 trillion to IDR 8 trillion in 2022 to strengthen banking digitalization services.
BRI President Director Sunarso said BRI seeks to strengthen digitalization to produce new business models. BRI's new business model that relies on digitalization is believed to bring efficiency to the BRI Group's operations.
“Currently BRI is implementing the concept of a hybrid bank which ensures that people who are not too familiar with digitalization can still be served. BRI refers to three main principles in implementing a hybrid bank," he said.
First, digitizing business processes to increase productivity and efficiency. The implementation of this business process efficiency can be demonstrated from the services of BRImo, BRISpot, and BRILink.
Second, include BRI digitization in the business ecosystem. This penetration into the digital ecosystem has positive implications for the growth of low-cost funds (CASA), fee-based income (FBI), so that it can attract new customers.
Third, optimizing full digital services so that they can strengthen services that are more customer centric. In addition, this digital transformation also applies to subsidiaries so that it can lead to sustainable growth and generate income diversification of the BRI Group.
BRI noted that digital services are also increasingly relied upon by customers. This is reflected in BRImo's consistent record of double-digit user growth in the last three years.
In 2019, BRImo users reached 2.96 million with a transaction frequency of 100.74 million times worth IDR 33.78 trillion. The performance then became stronger in the following year.
Throughout 2020, BRImo users rose to 9.05 million with a transaction frequency of 764.84 million times, which recorded a transaction value of Rp. 197.43 trillion.
At the end of 2021 there were 14.15 million users with a transaction rate that shot up to 66.24 percent year on year to 1.27 billion transactions.