BNI launches Noken Savings for people in Papua

JOURON -- Good news for the people of Papua, Indonesia. Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) is presenting a Noken Savings program for the Papuan people which will be launched in early 2024.
BNI Region 16 Tanah Papua leader Ariyanto Soewondo Geni said the savings were included in the planned savings category to help people manage financial planning.
"At the beginning of next year we are preparing a very interesting local program, namely Noken Savings, where the new program is to help customers, especially Indigenous Papuans, in carrying out financial planning," said Ariyanto in Jayapura, Wednesday (27 December) as qouted by
According to Ariyanto, this local program is a form of BNI education for the Papuan people in carrying out financial literacy.
This savings plan will make it easier for the public, especially BNI customers, to plan, for example for religious tourism activities which can be planned from now on. Also, for wedding, school and other needs.
The initial balance for opening a Noken Savings account is IDR 100 thousand, after that it depends on how much you plan to save so that it suits your purpose.
BNI hopes that people in Tanah Papua can take advantage of the Noken Savings program so they can launch future plans without any financial obstacles.
BNI is a state-owned bank (BUMN) that operates throughout Indonesia and in a number of countries in Asia, America and Europe. BNI will open branches in Africa and Australia to strengthen Indonesia's trade and economic relations with these countries.