MES Chairman Erick Thohir appreciated Gibran discussing SGIE

JAKARTA -- The Sharia Economic Community (MES) appreciates the vice presidential candidates who have expressed their commitment regarding sharia economics in the vice presidential debate session. In particular, the appreciation was given to Gibran Rakabuming Raka who had revealed sharia economics as one of the themes raised.
Gibran specifically reviewed the issue of SGIE or State of the Global Islamic Economy. SGIE can be a reference for the development of the global sharia economy where Indonesia is trying to become the main sharia market in the world.
MES Chairman Erick Thohir considered the commitment to sharia economics to be positive news from the vice presidential candidates. "As Chair of the Sharia Economic Society, I am very happy that this debate will also discuss sharia economics," said Erick in his statement Friday (23/12/2023).
Erick also appreciated Gibran's idea which touched on Indonesia's mission as a major player in the world sharia market. Indonesia, said Erick, must become the main producer in the world sharia market supply chain.
"As potential leaders of the country with the largest sharia market, we really need leaders who understand and are committed to sharia economics," said Erick.
Erick hopes that the rapid progress of the sharia economy in the era of President Jokowi can continue in the next government. According to Erick, one of the legacies of the Jokowi government is a real commitment to sharia economic development.
This is proven by the growing growth of the sharia economic ecosystem, from banking to products that people consume every day. "The legacy of the Jokowi government in the sharia sector must be continued," said Erick.