Economist: BUMN performance under Erick Thohir very good, contributing large dividend

JAKARTA -- Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that Non-Tax State Revenue Separated from State Assets (PNBP KND) from dividend payments from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) reached IDR 81.5 trillion as of December 12 2023. This achievement is considered encouraging amidst economic conditions unhealthy global situation.
"This means that our BUMNs, in the midst of an unhealthy external situation, can show very good performance. They can also create good profitability, they can give good dividends, which we appreciate," said a senior economist and co-founder of the Institute for Social Economic and Digital (ISED), Ryan Kiryanto as quoted by Republika, Friday (15/12/2023).
He continued that in parallel with these positive achievements, in the future BUMN needs to be strengthened. So apart from being able to achieve good profits and provide large dividends to the APBN, there must also be more BUMNs with healthy status.
Ryan explained that being healthy means not losing money. Ryan believes that if there are more and more healthy BUMNs, there will be even more dividends to the state.
BUMN Minister Erick Thohir was asked to pay attention to the formation of a BUMN holding. As is known, in the last three to four years, Erick Thohir has been focused on forming a BUMN holding. Ryan believes that holding can be continued, but what is not going well must be evaluated.
So, BUMN not only can distribute large dividends but BUMN also can contribute more to the country's economy. For example, by opening job opportunities.
According to Ryan, BUMN is not only profit-oriented but can also help with government programs. "For example, there are BUMNs that have agents of development such as KAI, Telkom, Garuda, Bulog, they must have support for the community at large. That's because BUMNs must be on the side of the government," he explained.
Sri Mulyani said that the realization of BUMN dividend payments had reached 100 percent of the revised target in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 75 of 2023. This figure grew 100.9 percent compared to the same period the previous year.
"This is a good thing, it means that state-owned companies, especially healthy ones, have been able to pay dividends to the state," he said at the press conference for KITA's APBN in Jakarta, Friday (15/12/2023). In fact, he said, the KND PNBP target from BUMN deposits had been revised quite high, namely from IDR 49.1 trillion in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).