Observer: Presidential debate only influences 5-10 percent of voters

JAKARTA -- Political analyst and Executive Director of Algebra Strategic, Arifki Chaniago, said that the official debate of presidential and vice presidential candidates by the General Election Commission (KPU) would not have a big impact on increasing the electability of the candidates. Arifki said that the influence of the debate on the electability of candidate pairs was only 5-10 percent.
Even though the debate is not very influential, Arifki believes that the presidential candidate debate forum cannot be simply put aside. The public will be waiting for words of wisdom from each candidate which will later become a topic of conversation everywhere.
Arifki believes that what will influence the electability level of leadership candidates is their track record and the concrete work they offer to society. Apart from that, continued Arifki, electability will be influenced by the bargaining value of each candidate which has been formed since all the candidates were still potential candidates.
Arifki added that the debate would be very important for people from intellectual circles. He suggested that each contestant use the debate as a means to explain ideas and ideas that are in line with the current wishes of the public.
Three presidential candidates took part in the first debate on Tuesday (12 December) at the KPU. Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo explained their vision and mission related to issues of law, human rights, democracy and governance.
The debate was attended by vice presidential candidates Muhaimin Iskandar, Mahfud MD, and Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Supporters and party leaders of each candidate participated in watching the debate live at the KPU.