Pertamina achieves world number one ESG ranking

PT Pertamina's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk rating rose to number one in the world in the Integrated Oil and Gas sub-industry, leading the highest score of 61 world companies, based on a rating from the ESG Rating agency Sustainalytics.
Pertamina's score as of December 1 2023 was 20.7 (Medium Risk), an improvement from the previous 22.1 (Medium Risk) so it was considered to be at a medium risk level in managing risks related to ESG factors. For your information, a lower Sustainalytics score reflects a better risk level.
Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said Pertamina continues to be committed to becoming a world-class, environmentally friendly energy company by implementing ESG aspects to support the Net Zero Emission target in 2060 or sooner.
"The increase in ranking in the global ESG ranking is an incentive for Pertamina to continue to provide positive impacts and the best benefits for society, the environment and the future of Indonesia and the global community," said Nicke in Jakarta, Friday (8/12/2023).
He added that Pertamina continues to carry out its three major roles as a national energy company, namely maintaining national energy security, carrying out the energy transition through clean energy and new renewable energy, and actively contributing to achieving NZE.
Pertamina also continues to carry out various decarbonization innovations by producing environmentally friendly energy which has had a positive impact on the company's ESG performance. Apart from that, Pertamina also continues to strengthen aspects of work safety, corporate governance, community empowerment and MSME development.
For information, the ESG Risk rating by Sustainalytics measures a company's exposure to material ESG risks for each industry. Then how well the company manages those risks provides a quantitative measure that can be compared across industries.
Pertamina's Vice President for Corporate Communication, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, added that in the Sustainalytics assessment process, there were at least 11 aspects to focus on, including aspect E (environmental), namely emissions and waste, carbon and biodiversity.
Meanwhile, the S (social) aspect is related to human resources at Pertamina, occupational health and safety, as well as relations with the surrounding community. In aspect G (governance), namely related to governance, bribery and corruption, as well as business ethics.