Pertamina Dumai Says Refinery Explosion Has Been Handled

Pertamina RU II Dumai Public Relations Manager Agustiawan confirmed that the area of the explosion and fire that occurred on Saturday (1/4) night has been controlled. He reported that the fire had been extinguished so that people were expected not to panic and remain calm.
"Pertamina is responsible for the impact of the explosion," Agus told reporters in Dumai, Sunday morning.
Agus explained that Pertamina's management together with the local government and officials had gone down to calm residents and would collect data.
Mayor of Dumai Paisal was seen going down directly to the Pertamina RU II Dumai refinery location and was in the middle of a crowd of people to calm the masses. The mayor listens to people's complaints about the explosion at the refinery.
As previously reported, a loud bang allegedly coming from the Pertamina Dumai Seven Princess Oil Refinery was heard on Saturday night at around 22.40 WIB. Many residents reported hearing loud bangs thumping and furniture vibrating.