Hamas Praises the Governor of Bali for Rejecting the U-20 World Cup

JAKARTA -- Member of the Hamas political bureau, Fathi Hammad, appreciated the attitude of the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster, who refused to host the U-20 World Cup due to the presence of the Israeli national team.
Hamas, emphasized Fathi, appreciated the brave attitude of the Governor of Bali Province who expressed the sincerity of the Indonesian people. Hamas Palestine appreciates the attitude of the Governor of Bali who asked the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports to prevent the participation of the Israeli national team in the U-20 World Cup.
“This action is due to the occupation of the Palestinian territories and Israeli crimes and Israeli massacres against the Palestinian people,” said Fathi in a Hamas press statement received by Republika.co.id from a Palestinian female activist, Abeer Barakat, Friday (31/3/2023).
Fathi expressed his pride for the Indonesian people who continue to support Palestine. He also called on Arab countries to follow Indonesia's stance.
"In this context, we call on Arab and Islamic countries to activate and expand the boycott of the occupation and its institutions in all fields, in victory for the justice of the Palestinian cause," explained Fathi.
Previously, I Wayan Koster sent a letter of claim against Bali as the host of the U-20 World Cup to Acting Menpora Muhadjir Effendy. In his statement, Koster explained that the Island of the Gods is a spiritual center so that peace and humanity are prioritized and maintained as well as possible.
In addition, Koster quoted the teachings of the Proclaimer Sukarno against Israel which oppressed Palestine. "As a football lover, I really hope that the U20 World Cup will also be held in Bali. However, this event cannot be separated from human principles as mandated by the constitution and Bung Karno," said Koster.